Appsheet FAQ

We have complied here the most frequently asked questions.
Appsheet FAQ regarding General, Security and Compliance. If you can’t find the answer get in touch. Below FAQs sourced from the Appsheet Website

What is AppSheet?

AppSheet is a no-code application development platform that helps both professional and citizen developers easily build web-based and mobile applications. Using a web browser, you can connect to your data, design an app and publish to your audience in minutes. You can learn more here.

Is AppSheet GDPR/CCPA compliant?

AppSheet is a part of the Google Cloud family of products. Just like with the many other Google products available – Google Workspace, Google Cloud Platform, and other services – we are committed to these ongoing compliance initiatives. You can learn more about these topics here.

Is AppSheet SOC compliant?

Yes. AppSheet is SOC2 Type 2 audited. Our SOC Report is available to customers under NDA and upon request.

Where can I see AppSheet’s privacy policy?

AppSheet is part of the Google Cloud product suite and the privacy policy is located here. AppSheet is also a member of the Privacy Shield Framework.

Where can I view AppSheet’s data processing and security terms?

Please find AppSheet’s Data Processing and Security Terms here.

Does AppSheet capture IP addresses or Geolocation of my audience?

Not by default. The platform itself does not capture this information in any server-side logs. Inside of an individual application, you can design a column to capture the current latitude and longitude for a record. In this case, the end user will be warned that the application will request access to their current location.

What are the details of the AppSheet architecture?

AppSheet is a 100% SaaS platform. AppSheet runs on Google Cloud Computing services and provides high availability across the globe using several availability zones. A list of specific services, logical entity maps, and topologies are available to customers under NDA by request.

How do I authenticate against AppSheet?

AppSheet not only supports, but requires SSO using one of the following providers: 

AppSheet also has robust domain authentication support using any of the following providers: 

AppSheet never stores your authentication credentials. Instead, during the single sign on (SSO) process, an oAuth token is issued to the device (either browser on laptop, or token on device), after which you are identified as a valid user in our platform.

What types of compliance information do end-users see during authentication?

There are different permissions requested of app creators (people who build apps) versus app users (people who use those apps on browsers or devices). We strive to only ask for the minimum permissions needed to perform either of these two roles. You can learn more about the process here.

Does AppSheet support Azure Active Directory groups for authentication?

Yes, you can authenticate against Active Directory (AD) group(s) in AppSheet if they are cloud-based Azure AD groups. More information is available here.

Does AppSheet support Google Auth for authentication?

Yes, if they are Google domain groups. Google smtp/email groups are not supported. You can get started with domain authentication here.

Does AppSheet support domain groups for authentication?

In some cases AppSheet can integrate with domain groups, e.g. via Google Groups, AD Groups, and Okta. Custom groups defined in your IDP can then be leveraged for roles-based access inside of individual applications. You can read more about this here.

Is there granular control over which users can see which applications?

Yes. Each app in your organization can have its own security. You can either A) explicitly list users, B) enable domain authentication support for this one application, or C) Enable domain group support if your provider supports that feature. You can learn more here.

Does AppSheet store our data in its cloud?

It does not! AppSheet is a “pass-through” platform. Your data starts and ends at your location, and passes through the AppSheet platform for usage, processing, workflows and so forth. AppSheet never writes your data to disk in its cloud. One exception to this is capturing user app transactions in the audit logs, which you can disable.

Is my data encrypted during transit?

Yes, AppSheet encrypts all data via HTTPS using TLS. You can learn more here.

Is my data encrypted at rest?

Since your data is never stored in the AppSheet cloud, this is a factor of your existing data stores and not a question for the AppSheet platform.

If AppSheet connects to my Cloud database (Postgres, for example), how are credentials managed?

When connecting to your cloud database for the first time, You will need to share the hostname, port, username and password: After you have set up the connection, AppSheet stores the database credentials using AES256 encryption.


After I connect to a database, can any AppSheet user in my org
connect to that database?

Not necessarily. This is controlled by the original designer of the app and the person who originally connected to the database store. Once you build a database connection, you can optionally share it with your AppSheet team. AppSheet also includes team governance features to allow you to control who can access which shared database resources.

Does AppSheet have row- and column-level security (e.g. authorization)?

AppSheet supports this at very granular levels. Here are some examples:

  • Rows can be secured using data-driven concepts e.g. “this team can only see their team’s data”
  • Columns can be secured e.g. “if the current user is a member of a [piece of data-driven] role called ‘admin’ then show this column”
  • Entire views in your app can be shown or displayed.
  • AppSheet Actions, Workflows and Reports can be secured.
  • Generally: show-if logic can be applied to almost any element inside of an AppSheet


Where are the AppSheet services offered? What cloud zones are you available in?

Currently, AppSheet is located in the USA, EU, AU, and SP zones. However, AppSheet services are supported globally, with customers across 170+ countries using the platform. Additionally, note that the US is considered a valid data processor for EU and GDPR purposes per existing adequacy rules. More information on infrastructure is available upon request and under NDA with Google Inc.

What support does AppSheet have for Personal Identifiable Information (PII) or other sensitive information?

AppSheet has logs that can be turned down to the minimum retention of one day. Inside each application, AppSheet also allows you to designate information (columns) as “PII sensitive”. This designation will strip this information from our platform’s logging and audit trail entirely. To learn more about this feature go here.

Does AppSheet have a REST API for inbound requests?

Yes. You can invoke add, delete, edit, find, and run actions. We have several help articles to get you started. You can learn more about AppSheet’s REST API here.

Does AppSheet have a webhook mechanism for outbound API requests?

Yes. You can add webhooks to AppSheet workflows. These can perform post, put, patch and delete requests. You cannot, however, receive back a response or a result set from invoking a webhook. To learn more, view our documentation here.

Can AppSheet connect to my on-premise database?

As a SaaS platform, AppSheet expects your SQL databases to be network-available to our cloud. You can use IP firewall safe listing, which is documented here, to enable access from our cloud platform to your SQL instance. Optionally, you can expose your SQL instance via API Management or another web front end, and then connect to that front end using AppSheet’s Rest API support.

How is AppSheet secured on individual devices?

After initial authentication, AppSheet inherits the security protections of the device on which it is installed – we do not require login for each session of the app. We recommend two-factor or MFA on your devices as well as ensuring that the device has a locking mechanism in place. All device and browser security is pass-through from AppSheet’s point of view, and all requirements for 2FA or MFA are part of the single sign-on process, after which your AppSheet session will be allowed or denied accordingly.

What types of governance features does AppSheet include?

AppSheet Enterprise Plus includes account-level policies and governance features which can control all behaviors across the entire account. These can include, for example, restricting which AppSheet designers are allowed to publish apps, which types of data sources can be connected to, and which types of end-users are allowed to access apps. You can get started with policy management here.

For more information and to begin using AppSheet, visit

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